Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Series of Unfortunate Event

I watched this movie last night and found out it's absolutely a great breathtaking movie! At first, I thought it's not interesting as i've borrow a book of this series and I think it's a bit boring (coz it's so hard to understand the phrases!!) Then, I watched the movie.. wow..

I love the character of Violet, Klaus and Sunny who are very intelligent at escaping from the crazy Count Olaf. Although they faced many adventure, but Klaus always comes with many source of informations while Violet invent many useful things that benefit the three of them. Meanwhile, Sunny is a smart kid too where she'll bite anything with her sharp teeth.. and.. they are all adorable.
Though i didn't have the opportunity to read the whole series, I found the plot summary of each series.. couldn't wait to have a view on 'em!! And, I am very interested in the character of Violet Baudelaire, she's beautiful, intelligent, and so on!

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