Sunday, September 25, 2011

Uwaaah~ So happy.. =___=


Coz I've ordered Saengie's DVD - 1st Solo Story!! *scream!*

Haha.. and my parents still don't know this.. I'd sure to die if they knew I spent such money on this DVD~ XD
The price isn't RM150, so fortunately I could afford it.. though I've to starve for weeks collecting the money.. *aww.. poor me.. lol..*

Planned to watch the DVD when it arrived at Sunmie's house together with NoraJun~

*didn't dare to put my home address.. huhu~*

What excites me is, there are 3 photocards,
with Saengie's copy of signature on it!

I dun mind even though it's just a copy of sign on three cards.. coz having a hold on this DVD of his is enough for my happiness~~♥

p/s : had a hard time when banking in the money together with NoraJun.. haha..

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