Monday, August 8, 2011

OMO History!!

Okay.. tragic post title ever.. =,= What is it about?

1. One of my exam subject.
2. One of my subject that need MEMORIZING.
3. One of my torturing subject.
4. One of my subject that makes me be in the first group with MORE attention from the teacher
5. My only subject that has a HIDDEN PRIZE beneath.. *you know.. prize.. vice-versa.. ouch~*
Hoaah~~ my palms.. poor them.

Well then, on my way to my History books~ Ya Allah let it stays in my heart and mind FOREVER!

p/s : At least until I end my exam.. oh! Can't wait to finish this sufferings! Affected by the unstable mind, full with History... and the HIDDEN PRIZE.. =,=

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